Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jack's Blessing

So excited for his BIG day! The tradition was kept, another amazing outfit made by Auntie P!

Father and son. Wrapped in his fathers blessing blanket.
Joanie even made it!

My side of the family.

Great Mama even made it from Canada!

Proud Grandma!

Proud Grandpa!

The Dodge side of the family. Proud Bompa and Stubbs!


Katie said...

Awesome Pictures Jaquelle.

Anonymous said...

Jaquelle, you all look so wonderful and I am so happy that lil Jack was blessed. He is so adorable. I hope you're doing well and would love to hear from you. It has been way too long. Take care.
~Aimee Treadway

Laura H said...

Jaquelle, What cool pictures. you have a very good looking family. And your sister is HOT!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such great pictures. The bald heads are great...So anxious to see the rest of them.

Love Auntie P

Joanie said...

I love these photos! You all look so wonderful. Hey, could you ask Jandy to add me as a subscriber to her blog?

Anonymous said...

What special pictures! I wish I had thought of that for Justin! What a great moment to treasure...your family looks so perfect :) Great pictures!